Learn kayaking with us in our kayak school the best in Peru, you will learn Eskimo roll and how to run rapids class I, II and III We go to the Apurimac River at the conoc hot springs, the place were we will make the base of the campsite are the ideal places to learn kayaking; we have a great weather, great camp site close to the hot springs.
First day: From the office we take our customers at 8:00 am. We going by private transportation to the conoc hot springs in the Apurimac valley (two hours from Cusco) there you get a briefing: of the kayak and the equipment ho we go to use. In the middle of the day we have the lunch an after this we continuum to practice how to make the Eskimo roll in the swimming pool, in the night dinner and camp site.
Second day: After the breakfast we’re going to the Apurimac River (Cunyac Bridge) we’ll practice in the flat place of the river how to go inside the kayak and how to swim wit the kayak, rescue our equipment, how to cross the river and how to paddling. We will run rapids class I and II+, tree hour’s aprox. After this we arrive to the camp site we it the lunch and in the afternoon we going to practice the Eskimo roll in the pool, camp site.
Third day: After the breakfast we go to the Apurimac River. We goanna run rapids class I, II and III to learning more about the streams, waves, holds, eddies cross the rive and how to ride the river After the lunch we’ll be back to Cusco at 6: 00 pm aprox.
professional guide
all meals during the trip (2 B, 3 L, 2 D)
private transportation
kayak equipment (helmet, life jacket, paddle jacket, kayak paddle, spray-skirt, kayak)
You need to bring:
sleeping bag, matters
flashlight, sandals or tennis shoes, towel
personal water bottle and snacks, games
sun block, mosquito repellent, toilet paper
short pants
PRICE: $285

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